Hi All,
Well it sure has been a great year so far! It's been a long time since I've posted on this blog. Most of us rafters have river fever, so I thought I'd check in!
We have been floating Browns Canyon and the Royal Gorge this spring, with a few trips on the Upper Colorado.

The year stated out a little slow with all the cold weather we've had, with the run-off being delayed. I know all of us got really sick of the rain, but it was a good thing with our snow-pack being 59% of normal back in April.
Our trips with family and friends have mostly consisted of Browns Canyon, which is a favorite of ours, with a few trips down Royal Gorge, which is quite a ride for sure. Browns finally got above 1500 CFS (go here to learn about CFS), anything above 1200 is fun in my book, below that and Browns isn't as fun. There is great camping on both river right and left before you get into the canyon, with two sites river right once you're in the canyon.
The Royal Gorge is a serious float, not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. The rapids are imposing at levels above 1000 CFS, with potential drastic consequences if you flip or swim. These rapids have long stretches with few spots to eddy out, so a swim can be dangerous.
I'll be back soon with pics of more trips. Lodore Canyon awaits us, which is always a great river trip.
Bill Strong of Denver on Family Rafting!!!